The goal of the 2nd Workshop on homogeneity and non-maximality in plural predication and beyond was to bring together as many new perspectives on the phenomena of homogeneity and imprecision as possible. This goal has been met with great success: our contributions embraced many different theoretical perspectives (implicature, trivalent and presuppositional accounts, a.o.), extended beyond plural homogeneity (vagueness, imprecision, gaps in conditionals), featured theoretical, experimental and corpus work on English but also non-English languages (Farsi, Mandarin, Serbian, etc). The talks included researchers at all stages of their career, from senior faculty to PhD and master’s students. Thanks to the help from the van Riemsdijk foundation, we were able to have two invited talks, which further contributed to the dynamism of our workshop and to its visibility. Overall, the workshop managed to bring together research communities from three different continents and from several subfields of linguistics and philosophy which would otherwise have had few interactions.